Our People

Donald is our company secretary and so very much more! Donald has run Martell Consultants for the past 18+ years and is a highly experienced management consultant specialising in Strategy, Innovation and Change.
He is also an experienced coach and mentor, is MSP and Prince2 accredited and has an MA in Leading Innovation and Change.
Donald Martin | Company Secretary

I started as a support worker in a single occupancy service for a gentleman with learning disabilities and autism whose behaviour was described as extremely challenging. During this time I also worked with adults reintegrating into the community from mental health hospitals. From here I went to work for a small family run business providing support to people whose behaviour was described as challenging. I started as a trainee PBS practitioner and eventually became the manager of the team and subsequently took up a role on the Senior Management Team. Prior to co-founding PBS uk with Tia, I set up and managed a PBS team of consultants and practitioners operating across the UK for a large health and social care provider.
Along the way I have been fortunate enough to pick up a BSc in intellectual and developmental disabilities from the Tizard centre (Kent) and a Msc in Applied Behaviour Analysis from Bangor (Wales). I’ve been a consultant for BILD’s Centre for the Advancement of PBS. I’m an active member of the Newman trust charity (https://www.newmantrust.org/) and the UKSBA’s Positive Behaviour Support special interest group. I have also been a principle instructor for PROACT SCIPr-uk ® for a number of years and hold a PRIINCE 2 project management qualification.
We set up PBS uk in the summer of 2016 and we haven’t looked back since. We have worked with such a wide range of amazing people, adults and children, across such a wide range of settings. It hasn’t always been easy (in fact far from it at times), but that was the point of setting up the business, we wanted to help those with complex needs to flourish.
Paddy Behan | Co-Founder Director

I first learned about behaviour analysis whilst working on a summer camp in New York. I was a law student at the time but after that summer I knew my real passion was working with people with autism. I graduated (mostly out of stubbornness) in 2009 and went to work for a supported living provider to gain experience in the social care sector. It was a service supporting individuals with learning disabilities and mental health issues and I was lucky to have a manager who knew how to encourage her staff! She pushed me go on to further study.
In 2010 I moved to Stirling to complete my MSc in Developmental Psychology and began to work as a behaviour therapist on a home-based early intervention programme with two incredible twin boys that I admire to this day. Every day was a learning experience and I knew I was on the right track. I continued to work with the twins whilst going on to do my MSc in Autism with the University of Strathclyde. In 2012, I moved to Belfast to start a PhD under the tutelage of Prof Karola Dillenburger. I knew I wanted to focus on Applied Behaviour Analysis but I wanted to do something out of the box! I ended up focussing on issue of behavioural safety, specifically behaviour-based water safety and spent much of the following six years developing strategies (and ultimately a curriculum) to teach water-safety using behaviour analytic methods.
I continued to work throughout my PhD, operating as the National Autism Advisor for a large social care provider, the manager of a PBS team operating across Scotland and the North of England, and now as a founding director of PBS UK. I particularly love the variety of the work we get – sometimes children, sometimes adults, sometimes schools etc., but always a privilege. I believe that by working together we can achieve better things for these individuals and there are few things that give me greater satisfaction – except perhaps my lovely family, and my incredibly gorgeous Frenchie, ‘Odin’. :)
Tia Martin | Co-Founder Director

I’ve supported people with learning disabilities and autism for over 20 years. After graduating from university and taking a Support Worker role ‘to get some experience’ I found myself working in a field I absolutely love. I have been lucky enough to support a large number of amazing individuals within a range of different roles over my career so far and it’s really been a privilege.
Outside of work I live in glorious Devon and I have two beautiful sons. My passions (in no particular order) are my work, my family, music and enjoying time out and about on the moors or by the sea, I also enjoy the odd glass of red wine.
I love PBS because it provides all of us with a framework to work within that puts the individuals we are supporting at the very centre of their lives (which is obviously where they need to be). Quality of life is at the very core of PBS and the focus is on positive changes within the person’s environment rather than on looking at the person and trying to make them different. The fact that it is built upon the wonderful science of Applied Behaviour Analysis provides it with an enormous evidence base. I have seen for myself the positive impact this approach can have upon people and I feel very lucky to be working and continuing to develop my skills and knowledge within this field.
Hannah Newcombe | Senior Associate Director

I’ve worked with autistic people and people with a learning disability since leaving university where I originally studied contemporary music. Initially, I worked in a school supporting autistic children and during this time developed my knowledge of applied behaviour analysis (ABA). I then moved to an adult service where I really enjoyed being able to focus upon promoting meaningful engagement and inclusion within the community.
Following my time in the adult service, I worked in a training and consultancy role and completed an MSc in Psychology. Since starting with PBSUK, I have completed an MA Autism Studies, and am now a UKBA (cert).
In my personal life, I love spending time with my twin daughters and being out and about in nature. I enjoy working at PBSUK due to the focus upon improving the quality of life of the people we support. I feel very honoured to work within a great team, supporting such a wide range of fantastic people.
Huw Price | PBS Practicioner

I have been working in this field for nearly 20 years and had the privilege of starting my career working in schools that provided education for children from the ages of 5 to 19 years. It was within these schools that I first experienced the incredible, quality of life improving, skills that could be taught when teaching using a person-centred approach, grounded in the science of behaviour. I completed my MEd through Nicholls State University, Louisiana, and qualified as a Board-Certified Behaviour Analyst in 2012.
Following 12 years within the education system I moved to work in adult social care and supported individuals living within their own homes. This was an eye-opening experience for me, and it has contributed to my passion to improve the transition for autistic individuals from those childhood provisions to adult social care provisions. I was privileged in the last few years to support individuals to move from secure hospital settings into their own homes, develop skills and engage in opportunities otherwise unavailable to them.
Across these 20 years it has been amazing to play a small part in the growing understanding of Positive Behaviour Support and I am passionate about supporting the implementation of a PBS framework across contexts. Throughout this period, I have also become a parent myself and have three lively children to keep me busy. When I have time for relaxing, I am a big musical theatre fan and love the seaside: so, will either be in my kitchen belting out top tunes (badly) or on the beach!
Katie Lyon | Associate Director

I have worked in the field of psychology for over 10 years, mainly within the NHS, predominantly in adult mental health, long-term health conditions, learning disabilities and neurodiversity.
have worked in the field of PBS for 5 years, gaining my BTEC Level 5 in PBS (2022), which builds on my MSc Foundations of Clinical Psychology (2012) and BSc Psychology and Statistics. More recently I also completed my PG Cert in Low Intensity Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (2023).
I have been a keen advocate and leader for those in very challenging situations throughout my career and I aspire to create hope and generate solutions in very demanding circumstances. Prior to working in the field of psychology, I served in the British Army as an Army Officer. During this time, I did various leadership and management roles both in the UK, Germany and on Operations, including Iraq, Cyprus with the United Nations and running a Fire Station during the Fireman Strikes. These experiences have help me support large staff teams within the NHS to implement PBS in very challenging situations and work alongside children, adults with learning difficulties, families, and staff compassionately to produce meaningful outcomes.
I also have a keen interest in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and mindfulness having completed training in the past, weaving elements into my practice to support clients as needed.
Outside of work, when not an Uber driver to my 2 teenagers, I can be found at Crossfit, yoga or enjoying nature with my Labrador.
Anna Knight | PBS Practitioner

After serving in the Armed Forces I left and later developed some mental health problems, I received excellent support that helped me recover enough to transition successfully into civilian life and this encouraged me to become involved in the therapeutic support of other people who were experiencing similar problems such as anxiety, depression other mental health issues and the difficulties adjusting to the transitional change to civilian life. I worked as a therapeutic support worker for a couple of years engaging and supporting veterans, helping them to overcome the barriers they faced, also helping them transition to civilian lives successfully. I am still involved on a volunteer basis where I give talks to veterans, presently at a local hospice where, with my wife, we help champion the support offered to veterans for those services provided by the hospice both on site and in outreach programs.
My eldest son Fabian was born shortly after I left the army and was diagnosed with Autism, ADHD and dyspraxia at the age of 5. I wanted to learn how to best support my son so embarked on self-education and wanted first-hand experience of supporting children with similar diagnoses. I changed my job to work with children in a child development centre which specialised in assessment of children with difficulties, specifically autism. I learned a lot through my experience working there and as my son grew older and I used the skills and experience gained to support him to navigate and make sense of the neurotypical world around him he has thrived successfully. He has managed to gain placement in college and is studying to be an electric car technician.
I became more interested in how to support him as an adult and decided to change my job to work with adults with Autism and Learning Disability where I worked in secure hospitals gaining many years’ experience of not just Autism and Learning Disability but also a variety of mental health conditions. This is where I was introduced to Positive Behaviour Support and the massive benefits and improvements it brings to individuals lives which sparked an intense interest with me.
I became a PBS practitioner and during this time I worked with PBSUK, both Paddy and Tia, where they were involved in supporting our PBS development program into the hospital environment and through their support and involvement this was successfully achieved. I left there to gain experience in community services, interested in supporting transitions from hospitals into a community life, specifically focusing on ensuring quality of life for those individuals in my role as a PBS Practitioner.
I then had the good fortune to work with PBSUK again during a transition I was doing, and as I had been very impressed by their knowledge, approach and attitude to PBS previously, (as well as them being amazing people!) I was very generously offered a role with PBSUK. As a new member of the team, I feel super privileged to be surrounded by such an incredible bunch of knowledgeable, positive and enthusiastic people. The best way I can express my attitude in my job now is....” Best job ever!”
I am a bit of a nerd in my personal life and enjoy playing board games and role-playing games with friends and playing games on my Xbox. I’m also a wee bit active and enjoy cycling, fitness training and walking with my wife.
Iain Thomson | PBS Practitioner

I started working at an ABA school for children with autism during a placement year as part of my psychology degree. Once I graduated, I returned to the school where I completed a Masters of Education through Nicholls State University. I spent most of my time working there supporting the older students, as I particularly enjoyed teaching them daily living skills to support them to become more independent. Following this, I started to work for an adult social care charity, working with adults in supported living and residential homes. I was also involved in projects which were aimed at helping individuals to move from secure hospital settings into their own home. From there, I was lucky to join the team at PBSUK, where it is fantastic to be working with such a passionate and knowledgeable team.
Outside of work, I like to spend time growing vegetables on my allotment, attempting pub quizzes (with mixed success!) and going away in my campervan.
Kate Barker | PBS Practitioner

I started my career working in summer camps for children with autism before I went to university to complete my BSc in Psychology. I then worked in a specialist school for children with autism, whilst I completed my MSc in Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA). I continued to work across educational settings and within family homes on early intervention programmes as a consultant.
I’ve have been fortunate enough to work with people with autism and learning difficulties for the last 20 years and I have learned so much from the people I have met along the way.
I love how PBS uses the science of ABA to create such person-centred approaches to enrich people’s quality of life.
When I’m not at work, I love learning from my two young children and spending time with my family and friends. I enjoy going on long country walks, baking, camping, kayaking, and travelling.
I feel very privileged to be working with such a passionate team.
Sandra Bryan | PBS Practicioner

I first became interested in working with autistic people and people with learning disabilities during two stints of work experience while I was at secondary school. I then volunteered at a holiday club for children with additional needs and enjoyed it so much that I went on to study Psychology for my Bachelor’s degree.
A summer spent working at a summer camp for people with disabilities in the States showed me that it was possible to combine interesting work experiences with travelling, and I returned to the States twice on an internship visa, working as a Psychology Intern and using my leave to travel around the States, Mexico and Canada. My experiences as a Psychology Intern introduced me to world of Positive Behaviour Support and showed me how powerful it can be to support people to learn new skills and ways of doing things.
On my return to the UK, I worked in a variety of different places and roles, including in supporting living homes, a home programme, an assessment and treatment unit in a hospital, and a residential school. Completing the IABA Longitudinal training course inspired me to want to further develop my skills, and ten years after completing my Bachelor’s degree, I earned my MSc by completing the ‘Analysis and Intervention in Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities’ course at Tizard, University of Kent.
In 2018 I took advantage of both my children being at school to complete a Verified Course Sequence with ‘Behavior Online’ at the University of North Texas and then qualified as a Board Certified Behaviour Analyst in 2021.
After a number of years working in adult social care, more recently I have also worked in a multi-disciplinary team within the NHS and am now loving the variety that working for PBSuk provides, working across family homes, schools, and services.
I am passionate about Positive Behaviour Support, having seen first-hand how life changing it can be, in equipping people to be able to get so much more out of life, and helping those around them to understand them so much better.
When I’m not at work I can be found spending time with my daughter, son and husband, cooking, visiting our families in Scotland and Switzerland, and enjoying any other travelling that we can squeeze into the precious school holidays.
Susie Jenni | PBS Practitioner

Having graduated with a MSc in health psychology at university I embarked on a journey to support individuals with an eating disorder. While working in a supported living setting as a Person-Centred Planning coordinator I promptly realised my passion to work with people with autism and learning disabilities.
I was introduced to Positive Behaviour Support by a former colleague and went onto discover how effective and dynamic it is in promoting positive lifestyle changes for people with behavioural challenges. I realised how important it was to use an assessment-based approach and a collaborative team approach that is consistent with the science of behaviour.
Outside the world of PBS, I love spending time with family and friends, going out on long walks and travelling. I feel very fortunate to have been given this opportunity and to be a part of such a wonderful team who are so enthusiastic about PBS. As trainee I feel very lucky to be on this journey which enables me to see the positive impact PBS has on the individual, family and support providers.
Poonam Khunti | PBS Trainee Practitioner

I’ve had the amazing joy and privilege to support and work with young individuals with different behavioural challenges and learning disabilities for the last 4 years now. Before I found my true passion, I graduated from Aberystwyth University with LLB Law Degree, this was at the time the COVID Pandemic happened, and I worked for various law firms, and I discovered the job wasn’t meant for me. I found the amazing opportunity to work for my local council’s ‘kickstarter’ programme scheme to work as a Primary School Teaching Assistant, and I fell in love with the job, and I decided that this was not just a career choice but a personal discovery, I went on to work for a Secondary School as an Emotional Literacy Support Assistant and I have been lucky enough to work with young individuals from all different backgrounds and with different complex learning difficulties.
Outside of work, I live in ‘Sunny’ South Wales. Where the landscapes are vast, and the countryside is beautiful, and I love to go for countryside walks and runs. Physical fitness is a great way for me to unwind at the end of the day. I love all music, especially 80’s rock music, and I love being able to spend some quality time with family and friends, and I have the best partner for life who I love spending all my time with and going on amazing adventures with, and I don’t mind the odd pint on the weekend after a hardworking week of work.
I love PBS and what PBS stands for, I’m a big believer in improving the quality of life and the wellbeing for any individual, I believe PBS provides all of us with a framework to work within that puts the individuals we are supporting at the very centre of their lives. I believe that we all, no matter who we are, or where we come from, we all have the chance and the opportunity to flourish and that’s what I love so much about PBS and that’s what drew me to PBS in the first place. Under PBS already, I have had the amazing opportunity to gain new skills and training to not just improve, develop and provide support for our young people but it has changed me as a person, for the better, and everyone at PBS are wonderful, the support I’ve had and the positive encouragement I’ve had, it’s what PBS is all about and it’s an honour and a privilege to a be a part of not just this incredible team, but this amazing family.
Adam Pocock | PBS Technician

I'm from Lisbon, Portugal - here I studied Arts and explored my creative side. The UK has been my home since 2014, I relocated for personal & professional growth. And what a journey!
My experience working with vulnerable people, started in a psychiatric hospital with CAMHS in East Sussex - here I found my passion for Mental Health. Afterwards I moved to beautiful Wales and completed a Forest School course to teach in a PRU - here I worked with SEN, with children and young people who suffer from social, emotional and behaviour difficulties. My lessons would be based in encouraging and promoting well-being between pupils and staff, developing life skills and coping mechanisms, self-esteem and confidence. I’ve briefly worked in an ASD residential during my time in the Wales.
I try to balance my well-being with a lot of outdoorsy quality time! A few of my hobbies are foraging, painting, embroidery, carving and anything creative really, where I can express myself and connect with different people.
I’m grateful to be working with PBS UK, learning different approaches and developing my skills and knowledge with an amazing team by my side. My goal is to be able to hold the space for people to be vulnerable and create a safe space for them to achieve who they truly are.
Ana Oliveira | PBS Technician

I started working in Health & Social Care as a support worker in 2010. I started as a support worker and worked my way up the ladder into management. I then focused my efforts on helping people move out of inappropriate settings such as inpatient services when they don’t need to be there and back into the community with bespoke support packages that work for the individual.
During this time, I gained my QCF Lvl2 in Health & Social Care and QCF Lvl5 in Management in Health & Social Care. I also gained my PBS Couches Certificate with BILD and became a PROACT SCIP UKr instructor. I have always been massively passionate that people be heard and supporting them to get the best quality of life that they can, I believe the best way to achieve this is using the PBS model/framework as it gives clear guidance and focuses on helping the person and quality of life rather than a label or a behaviour someone is displaying.
In my free time I enjoy spending time with friends and family and I love to be outdoors in nature. I feel very fortunate to have been given this opportunity and to be a part of such a wonderful team who are so enthusiastic about PBS. As a Technician I feel very lucky to be on this journey which enables me to see the positive impact PBS has on the individual, family and support providers.
Jonathan Shield | PBS Technician
Our Network
We also work closely with a bank of associates with varying specialisms in Positive Behaviour Support and other evidence based therapies. These specialisms include: Personality Disorder, Acquired Brain Injuries, Dementia, Occupational Therapy, Speech and Language Therapy, Feeding Disorders, Alternative Communication Systems, Research, Active Support, Wellbeing, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy & Practice Leadership. This means that if there is something we don’t know, we can usually find someone who does!
We consider ourselves fortunate to have links with a strong network ranging from people who use services, families, support workers, social workers, senior operators, clinicians, academics and commissioners. We even know an ex-fighter pilot who is involved with a fantastic charity that supports people with disabilities to fly planes!
All of these individuals have helped us shape PBS UK into what it is today and many of these people feel like part of the team to us - we are incredibly grateful for your counsel, guidance, the occasional challenge and of course your support!