Our Mission

Why did we set up PBSUK?
Our mission is simple, ‘To help those with complex needs to flourish’. On this mission we are not planning on leaving anyone out… from individuals to organisations to nations!
But what does it mean to flourish I hear you cry? Well, it is a term used in Positive Psychology and we learned about it from Dr Martin Seligman. So, to help you understand, we are going to paraphrase the man himself:
When you think about those you love, care for or support (and please think about yourself too) would you say yes to:
More positive emotion?
More engagement; with the people we love, in our work, or with our hobbies?
Better relationships with others in our lives?
Feeling a deeper sense of meaning (i.e., a greater sense of belonging, purpose and connection)?
A greater experience of achievement and accomplishment in life?
If you do, then you understand what it is to flourish and therefore, why we have made it our mission.